Clermont County Bar Association Scholarship Application Process
The Clermont County Bar Association is proud to offer scholarship opportunities to Clermont County graduating seniors.
The Scholarship Committee is pleased to announce that as a result of the generous contributions of sustaining donors, that three additional scholarships at the $3,000 level will be awarded for the 2022-2023 academic year. Eight (8) scholarships of $3,000 will be awarded in addition to a $5,000 award to the student selected as the John and Ruth Erhardt Scholar.
To be eligible to receive consideration for a scholarship a student must reside in Clermont County and display sufficient scholastic ability to continue their education at a college level. Financial need is also taken into consideration when awarding these scholarship grants.
Below are two application forms: one for HOME SCHOOLED seniors and a second for students attending a public or private high school. Students attending a public or private high school MUST submit their application through the school guidance counsellor where they attend. No application from a student attending a public or private high school will be considered if submitted directly.
Public or Private School Student Application
These files are in PDF format and can be viewed with Adobe Acrobat Reader. To download Adobe Acrobat Reader click on the icon. For more information or assistance in completing the form, please contact us.